Our Story


We are a Reno/Tahoe based husband and wife duo who have a passion for the outdoors and want to share our passion with others by way of RV rental.

We have been lovers of camping, traveling and adventure for as long as we have known each other. These things make up the core of our relationship and so its fitting that we would start an RV rental business, but the idea didn’t just come out of nowhere.

After many years in a tent at our favorite annual event, Burning Man, we set out to find an RV to make the week a little more comfortable. With limited funds and no real knowledge of RVs we found ourselves a lovely 1979 Fireball that aged us by 5 years. Although nothing worked it was a far more comfortable option than sleeping in a tent so we were pleased with our purchase. The next year, we traded in our trusty Fireball for something a couple years newer that had amenities that worked; and then did the same thing again the year after that.

As we slowly upgraded our home away from home, another member in our camp asked if we would be able to find them an RV to use for the week and offered to pay us to facilitate the buying, prep and selling of the RV. We obliged. What was expected to be a one time thing then turned into multiple people in our camp offering to hire us for the same service. As the demand grew we decided to hold onto the fleet rather than sell and then eventually we went to the internet to start advertising this service to other ‘burners’ and NV RV Rentals was born.

As of 2019, NV RV Rentals has become the one of our full time jobs and we are happy to now offer RV rentals year round. Need an RV for a Night in Country, High Sierra Music Festival or just your yearly camping trip. We’ve got you covered. Please feel free to contact us at any time and we’ll be happy to help you plan your next adventure.